Is Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) About Digital Accessibility?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Air Carrier Access Act

1986年颁布并于2023年由交通部修订, 《pg电子官网》(ACAA)是为了禁止航空承运人歧视残疾旅客而制定的. 该修正案的重点是解决航空公司网站的可访问性问题, kiosks, and service animals. 该规定适用于所有往返美国的航空公司,以保护残疾乘客的权利.


Read along to learn more about ACAA.

ACAA's history of evolution and consequences of non-conformance



In June 2016, one amendment happened in ACAA, 要求航空公司网站的所有面向公众的页面都是可访问的,并符合Web内容可访问性准则(WCAG) 2.0.

违反《pg电子官网》对航空承运人组织来说可能是一项昂贵的罪行,因为每次违反都要罚款27美元,500 USD penalty for both domestic and foreign flights. Thus, there must be a regular accessibility update, 修复工作有望保持网站一贯的用户体验.

General requirements of ACAA along with digital accessibility suggestions

  • 除非存在安全威胁,否则航空公司不能歧视残疾旅客.

  • Aircrafts are expected to have accessible design and facilities.

  • Airports and air carriers should assist in boarding, storing, and retrieving carry-on items, navigating, and deplaning.

  • If there are passengers with hearing or vision impairments on board, there must be accessible information and communication systems.

  • Any number of disabled people can board the flight.

  • If a disabled user can travel alone, they are allowed to travel solo, and airlines cannot charge extra for any given assistance.

  • Battery-operated devices such as scooters, wheelchairs, or a segway must have simple and handy software systems.

Digital accessibility requirements for airlines:

  • All communication emails sent to travellers ought to be accessible.

  • 为帮助残疾乘客而放置的设备,如菜单卡, safety instructions manuals, kiosks, in-built screens, etc. 必须易于使用,其内容应符合WCAG的标准,从而残疾旅客可以在旅途中独立完成必要的活动.

  • The primary website of the airlines should conform to WCAG 2.0 level AA success criteria and if any page or element is non-conforming, there should be some accessible alternative to understand them. The website accessibility is crucial for ticket booking, cancellation, rescheduling, boarding, etc.

  • 如果适用的法律不允许承运人遵守其网站或应用程序的某些部分的规定,外国承运人可以要求豁免. The language to apply for a waiver is English.

  • 豁免可以根据适用于网站的外国法律授予.

  • Likewise, 美国运营商也可以向商务部申请,以确定它们是否为残疾用户提供了可操作的替代方案.

  • Every carrier operating to and from the US must update their policies, practices, and procedures with time as per upgraded WCAG standards.

  • However, 如果变更对航空承运人组织造成不适当的负担, then they are not required to make the changes.

  • 主要网站测试是强制性的,以确保没有可能给残疾旅行者带来麻烦的关键问题.

Read the complete document 联邦法规(标题14 CFR第382部分),以了解更多关于航空承运人准入法.

Benefits of ACAA in digital accessibility

《pg电子竞技》(ACAA)通过帮助创建可访问的网站来解决数字可访问性问题, mobile apps, in-flight entertainment, self-service kiosks, and communications. The integration of digital accessibility with ACAA leads to several benefits, such as:

  • 无障碍数字产品和服务使残疾旅客能够独立旅行,并自行完成所有必要的安排,如预订机票, check-ins, etc.

  • 航空公司提供了可访问的更新网站和应用程序,帮助残疾人获取实时航班信息, schedules, other important announcements, etc.

  • 可访问性最终会提高残疾用户在航空旅行中的参与度,并促进包容性.

  • 航空公司的数字无障碍服务不仅提升了用户体验,也满足了法律要求. 这有助于这些航空公司降低诉讼和品牌形象受损的风险.

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Inclusivity can help air carrier organizations to soar higher!

ACAA is a much-needed incorporation in digital accessibility. However, 由于几个原因,航空公司目前正在努力满足所有的建议和建议. And to fill the gaps, air carrier organizations, airport authorities, and governments should work together. Moreover, 持续的宣传活动和ACAA对直接使用数字技术的资源的培训至关重要.

With ACAA, 航空公司正在逐步提高无障碍地位,帮助残疾人士更轻松地旅行. 航空业可以通过优先考虑数字包容性来实现无障碍目标.

So, plan and process to embrace accessibility!

Are your business website and other digital assets WCAG compliant? Or are you looking for guidance on ACAA digital accessibility standards? With a team of experts, we provide full website accessibility services including audit, strategy, design, development, remediation, 并支持符合无障碍规则(如WCAG 2)的服务.0, 2.1, 2.2, Section 508, 08, and ACAA within your budget. To further the cause of digital accessibility and inclusivity, please do not hesitate to reach out at [email protected] or request a website accessibility service quote.