April Is Autism Acceptance Month: In Pursuit of Accessibility and Inclusion

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Autism Acceptance Month


- Coach Elaine Hall

自闭症接纳月(4月)反映出人们对包容和支持自闭症患者的必要性有了更深的理解. 自闭症是一种以社会沟通和互动差异为特征的神经发育疾病, as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 在美国,大约每54名儿童中就有1名被诊断为ASD(自闭症谱系障碍)。.

早些时候,社会对自闭症的态度往往将其描述为一种需要治愈的疾病. However, 这种叙述没有认识到自闭症患者的优势和独特的视角. Today, the focus has shifted towards acceptance, recognizing that autism is as natural as other human diversities.

When it is about acceptance, every facet of life matters including the digital aspect, which is one of the critical areas to focus on. This article will shed light on the autism spectrum and digital inclusion.

Misconception about autism

在科技和创新的时代,包容和接受仍然存在问题. 自闭症社区遇到了来自世界其他地方的无数困难,这些困难是他们个人成长的主要障碍. Each individual has the right to have access to basic requirements for instance, education and employment, and thereby, autism acceptance is a dire need in the current situation.

However, 有一种刻板印象认为,自闭症患者不能像正常人一样追求理想的教育或工作. Certainly, 这种残疾使他们与其他人不同,他们可能无法以与其他人相同的速度执行任务, but work efficiency should not be judged without giving them a fair chance.

Many-a-time, non-autistic people claim that people on the autism spectrum lack social skills, empathy, or learning abilities. And this is the point, where society needs to learn how to accept autistic individuals with their uniqueness. To spread more awareness of autism, people celebrated 2nd April as World Autism Awareness Day. 各国政府也在采取行动,通过制定法律和法规为这些个人提供支持.

Acts made by governments to help autistic citizens!

There are legislations dedicated to ASD:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990 (ADA) (42 U.S.C. 第126章和公法104-76):该法保护在生活的各个领域有任何残疾的个人的公民权利.
  • Children’s Health Act, 2000年(公法106-310):疾控中心的国家出生缺陷和发育障碍中心和国家卫生研究院制定了这项法案,以促进研究, monitoring, prevention, and treatment of autism.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 1990 (20 U.S.C. Chap 33 and Public Law 101-476) and Reauthorization, 2004年(公法108-446):该法确保自闭症儿童得到适当的公共教育,以满足他们的独特需求,并为高等教育和就业做好准备.
  • Combating Autism Act, 2006年(公法109-416):为泛自闭症障碍和发育障碍研究提供资金, screening, treatment, and education. 该法案还建立了一个联邦咨询委员会(跨机构自闭症协调委员会),为自闭症研究提供支持.
  • Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support (Autism CARES) Act, 2014年(公法113-157):这是《pg电子竞技》中关于自闭症帮助研究的一项重新授权的条款, service, and support activities.
  • Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, 《pg电子官网》(公法116-60和众议院报告116-77):《pg电子竞技》的修订形式,旨在加强国家卫生研究院在自闭症障碍研究方面的活动,并增加与自闭症相关的项目.

digital content is difficult to access for autistic users

Consequences of non-adherence to autism acts!

自闭症患者必须有平等的机会独立生活. And to provide them with accessible education and employment opportunities, every organization ought to comply with the suggested guidelines. The above-mentioned acts need to be learned and applied as and when needed.


Practices that can be applied to improve digital accessibility!

Digital accessibility can be achieved by applying a few certain defined guidelines. Please note that before applying accessibility, knowledge of WCAG latest standards is essential.

improve digital accessibility for individuals with autism

  • Customizable font sizes and colors

    Accessible web design facilities adjustable font size and color to improve the legibility of the content. 它还可以减轻眼睛疲劳,帮助自闭症读者更容易地浏览内容. 该功能还可以帮助其他用户轻松阅读内容,增强用户体验.

  • Clear headings and labels

    Descriptive headings with consistent structure and understandable content, make it seamless to find desired information for autistic people. Headings and labels should have an easy-to-read, simple language with consistent font style, font size, and precise color contrast.

  • Personalized navigation

    自闭症患者可能在浏览复杂或杂乱的界面时遇到困难. 个性化导航改善了每个用户的整体可访问性,因为它为用户提供了根据自己的需求定制导航的选项.

  • Simplified layouts

    简化布局指的是网站的最小设计,以减少对自闭症用户的干扰. 具有过多动态内容的不需要的元素是自闭症患者最大的障碍. Minimal design is, in general, people’s favorite because they are straightforward containing relevant information.

  • Large touch targets

    Large buttons, links, 移动设备上的交互元素统称为大触控目标. It gives more room to tap the buttons or click the links, reducing the odds of missing the taps and improving accessibility.

Skynet Technologies Reduces Accessibility Barriers for the Inclusive Digital World

As we observe Autism Acceptance Month this April, 让我们重申我们对促进自闭症患者无障碍和包容的承诺. By embracing diversity, fostering understanding, and advocating for the rights and needs of autistic individuals, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society for all. Together, 让我们庆祝自闭症患者的力量和贡献,努力创造一个每个人都受到重视和包容的世界, regardless of neurodiversity.

With over 9 years of experience in the digital accessibility industry, Skynet Technologies helps businesses, organizations, firms, entities, institutes, and others to evaluate and ensure digital accessibility as per ADA, Section 508, and WCAG 2.0,2.1, & 2.2. With our manual accessibility audit and managed accessibility remediation services, 我们帮助他们增强和改善他们的数字资产,为每个人提供可访问性和包容性, including people with disabilities. Take a first step towards digital accessibility and request a manual digital accessibility audit quote . For more information, reach out [email protected]