Aimeos Laravel based ecommerce web application with an unbeatable performance for a mattresses manufacturing company!

Aimeos Laravel based ecommerce web application with an unbeatable performance for a mattresses manufacturing company!

The brief

The mattress company was looking for an ecommerce web application to sell their mattresses of distinct varieties. 他们的目标受众是巨大的, so they wanted a multilingual (i18) application with multiple currency features.

客户希望为他们的客户提供多种支付选择. They have used the payment gateway Redsys; so that their customers can easily buy the products from various categories. web应用程序需要有一个客户仪表板, thereby, 他们的客户可以管理他们的订单和订阅. The client also asked for a Doofinder search in the ecommerce web application to make the product, category, price, etc. 为他们的客户无缝搜索.

The requirement includes blog functionalities and customized store functionalities as well. Moreover, the client wanted us to create a web application with a location finder option for customers to find physical nearby store from the store section. 我们应该创建一个响应式web应用程序. 最后但并非最不重要的, the company desired to manage every functionality of the application from Aimeos customized backoffice section.

The challenges

  • The client wanted a pixel-to-pixel responsive design for the application using Aimeos own structure.
  • Customization and integration of Aimeos default codes as per client requirements.
  • 整合Doofinder搜索与Aimeos.
  • 基于Vue的Aimeos后端定制.js.
  • Data migration from the client’s existing website, of which data structure was entirely different.
  • 多种语言的翻译,因为Aimeos有它的 .po extension.
  • 最小化Web应用程序的加载时间.
  • 西班牙支付网关Redsys与Aimeos的整合.
  • 根据需要定制评论部分.
  • 与Aimeos集成的GrapesJS来维护CMS页面.

Mattress Manufacturer

Project Size




  • Aimeos (Laravel PHP框架)作为后端
  • MySQL用于数据库存储
  • 用SaaS(软件即服务)引导设计
  • JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, Vue.js, GrapesJS

The solutions

与公司战略保持一致, in the initial phase we considered the application’s flow and identification requirements and started accordingly. We followed the agile methodology for keeping the balance between changing requirements with time and rapid application deployment. We created a real-time collaboration with the internal teams and offered an amazing working environment using an effective tool Git.

  • 创建一个响应式电子商务web应用程序, we used a CSS framework like Bootstrap and did testing on every device with different screen sizes and browsers to ensure the application’s responsiveness.
  • 通过了解Aimeos的默认结构和使用Laravel与Aimeos, 我们根据客户的要求定制了应用程序.
  • Doofinder的api通常用于核心PHP, 我们尝试按照Aimeos的搜索功能来设置它们.
  • 我们用Vue构建了Aimeos后台.使用Aimeos自定义代码. Our team checked all the codes and implemented them in the required sections. 另外,在Aimeos后端开发了一个新的部分.
  • Aimeos data migration is based on cron jobs and because we had to follow Aimeos documentation, 我们编写了一个脚本来导入像产品一样的数据, category, price, orders, etc. 从现有的网站. We also provided the option to import CSV data with sample download functionalities.
  • Aimeos使用i18翻译方法, but it does not have any backoffice section where the admin can translate the keywords. Thus, we developed a new translation section to manage the Aimeos default translation and where the admin can add new translation keywords. 这个翻译部分超越了Aimeos的权利。 .Po功能并生成自己的翻译关键字文件, which helps understanding the customer’s language by reading the keywords.
  • 最小化装载时间, 我们一次加载一个section, 其中其他部分在后端等待, 最终减少加载时间. Also, decreased the external js and CSS usage and they are allowed to load only if required.
  • 我们已经集成了无数的支付网关,如PayPal, Stripe等. 因为他们有合适的文档,但是Redsys很难整合. To resolve this issue, we integrated it with the normal website in the first place and then converted it to Aimeos based integration.
  • Aimeos CMS使用GrapesJS,客户端使用起来比较复杂. Therefore, we integrated some dynamic sections using JavaScript customized codes from GrapesJS. This made it easier for the client to adjust the CMS pages as per their requirements by only using drag and drop.
  • We have customized every section in a way that they can be integrated with all the modules.


  • Customers can be able to sign up or login from the general ecommerce website.
  • 产品的浏览可以在首页完成, 和产品清单,以获得产品的详细说明.
  • 带有过滤器的基于类别的pg电子官网.
  • Comment/ review option for customers to add reviews for the products they used or bought. Also, customer can ask any questions if they have about the products; and like/unlike the questions comment. If another customer has asked for a review on some product, they can answer as well.
  • Ecommerce web application with easy order placement and checkout functionalities and multiple payment options including Redsys payment gateway.
  • The client has backend access to manage the product orders, discounts, pricing rules, and offers.
  • 它为每个客户提供了专门的仪表板来管理他们的个人资料, orders, subscriptions, invoices, etc.
  • Application with functionalities to manage abandoned carts and recover them.
  • CMS可以在后端进行管理.
  • Customers can find a category and author-based blogs (that are added by the admin from the backend) to read them and they can also leave comments on the blogs.
  • Customers can find the detailed information (address, contact detail, store timings, etc.)的实体店. 从地图上定位商店也是可能的.
  • 应用程序也有-
    • Aimeos backend to manage application data like the product, category, order, etc.
    • 电子邮件订阅者及订阅
    • 常见问题(FAQs)
    • Sitemap XML
    • Redirect sections
    • Robot Txt Editor
    • Language translation
    • Manage stores and blogs


We successfully developed the Aimeos based ecommerce web application within the stipulated time and pre-defined budgets. The ecommerce web application is performing well and getting positive responses. Not limited to this, it is reaching its target audience and sales are also increased.


我们是Aimeos的国际电子商务合作伙伴. With proven expertise in building top-level ecommerce stores using Aimeos, 我们保证专业的, full-featured & 高性能的电子商务网站为您没有任何麻烦. Whether you require Aimeos store development, redesign, migration, upgrades, integration, Aimeos维护和支持, Aimeos多厂商多渠道市场, 多租户SaaS解决方案, or anything; we can help you to develop a full-fledged Aimeos ecommerce store.

Contact us at [email protected] or submit your request free quote for more information.




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